Tuesday 6 May 2014

Adding Line

I thought I might just end up effectively scribbling over my images but surprisingly the image itself began to resonate back into my mind quite literally with another layer of meaning, which I found somewhat bizarre.  The images certainly were not taken with other possibilities in mind, they were just interesting images.

This image worked well as it was and the added scribble did nothing for it.  I think that was because of the mesh effect anyway.  In addition to the upside down word "artist", I added, self image and see in sort of benday dots to match the mesh.  Because this exercise asked for lines, I did not add an eye in the lense of the camera which I think would have worked well so that the lense itself confronts the spectator as a sort of cyclops.

This image seemed to stir the romantic spirit in me and I imagined the lady meeting her lover so the heart symbol appeared with flowers and a line representing a frisson, slightly jerky.  This photo for some reason only represents the line as dots, as do the others.  It was strange that an image can invoke feelings such as these.
The image taken was of a lot of dumped rubbish, but it made a nice shape, especially when inverted.  I merely outlined the objects and it produced a semi abstract picture.  I was pleased with the general balance of the picture, and this was an occasion when the lines did add to the original image and augment the shapes.

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